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Acupuncture - a branch of Chinese Medicine (often called Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM), is a holistic medical system that’s been used for thousands of years.


Acupuncture has long been used to treat: digestive issues, muscle pain, tendonitis, insomnia, anxiety, mental health disorders & more.



Each treatment includes a brief chat/intake, assessment & treatment plan. 


Cupping, moxibustion or gua sha may be incorporated during the session to enhance treatment outcomes and to aid in relaxation.


Acupuncture is covered by most private healthcare plans.


How Does Acupuncture work?

During an acupuncture treatment, thin needles are inserted at strategic points of the body along meridians (energy pathways). The stimulation of these points corrects the movement of blood and Qi (energy) within the body. This supports the body to operate more effectively.


In modern terms, acupuncture works by correcting muscle and fasciae adhesions, circulating blood, stimulating endorphins, regulating the nervous system. Working on a multitude of systems simultaneously allows for multiple improvements for addressing health concerns



Is it safe?

You bet. Single use needles are used every time. I’m registered under the regulatory body: CTCMPAO (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners & Acupuncturists of Ontario. Before legally being able to practice, all acupuncturists including myself pass two board exams and an additional safety exam. Your’e in good hands.



Is acupuncture covered under insurance?

Benefits/insurance packages vary with most plans offering at least some coverage for acupuncture treatments. I provide an acupuncture receipt which you can send to your insurance provider for reimbursement of payment. Insurance companies offer coverage for registered acupuncturists under the designations: R.TCMP, .



What can I expect during a treatment?

During your acupuncture appointment we start with a brief chat, also known as an intake, where we go over your health goals, discuss some of your health history, and I offer some dietary or lifestyle suggestions that you can implement on your own, in between treatments. From there, I put in some acupuncture needles in and you rest with the needles in for anywhere between 15-45 minutes. Additional modalities such as cupping, moxibustion or gua sha may be used during the treatment (offered on a case by case basis depending on your condition or what your preference is that day).



Is there anything I should do before or after a treatment?

Make sure to eat a snack,1 hour before your treatment,  as it’s best not to receive acupuncture on an empty stomach. After, make sure you’re bundled up (if it’s cold or windy outside) and chug a bit of water when you get home.

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